In this episode, Andrée McLeod and Robin O'Donoghue, both from AKPIRG, join Kunaan to help explain Governor Dunleavy's Executive Order 121, what is known and unknown about how this will impact Alaskans, a House Special Concurrent Resolution (HSCR2) that was introduced, and what we as Alaskans can do.
They didn't mention this form AKPIRG created that you can fill out and edit to be sent to your legislators, but I'm adding it here.
They did mention that we can testify to House Health & Social Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, at 3 pm. The phone number to call is 907-465-4648 and the email address is
They also recommended communicating with your Senators and Representatives as well as reaching out to your LIO for more information.
You can also reach out to AKPIRG for more information.
We would like to thank our donors and KWRK for the help they give me. If you would like to support this podcast, please donate at the website.
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Stay safe, mask up, and remember we care.